Below, you will find some areas of research in which we can accommodate (just a partial list). Some of these areas are suggested to us by mentors or by industries as good for research. Research ideas are not set in stone. If you are interested in pursuing research in any of the fields/areas listed below, or perhaps even suggest a field/area, please contact us.
Please note that these are intended as ideas to help inspire you. Feel free to use them, but at Warnborough we are very keen to encourage innovation. If you have any ideas of your own please contact us and talk to somebody about your options.
- How to Market Sci-Fi / Fantasy / Horror Poetry
- How to Get Started as a Writer in the Antiques / Collectibles Field
- How to Write in the Antiques / Collectibles Field
- How to Write Sci-Fi / Fantasy / Horror Poetry
- International Relations Theory – A fairly important area for research. Possibilities are open for research into the history of the discipline, its great debates and contemporary paradigms such as the idealist-realist debate, the power politics school, neo-realism, behaviouralism, world society approaches, the structuralism approach, Marxism and dependency theories, critical theory, and postmodernism.
- The Philosophy and Methodology of International Relations – Research areas cover theory consturction and empirical relevance, contemporary epistemological debates such as that between Kuhn and Popper, levels of analysis and measurement problems, and philosophical difficulties of comparison.
- World Energy and Environmental Audits, Projections to the Future, Problems and Solutions
- Waste Minimisation Software
- Integrated Environmental Management of Industrial or Commercial Sites
- Ecolabelling of Products
- Climate Synthesiser
- Solar Simulator
- Global Warming – Fact or Fiction?
- Ozone Layer Depletion – Fact of Fiction?
- Economics and Financial Optimisations (Annuity Formula)
- Combustion and Emissions to Air Software
- Energy and Environmental Policies in different countries
- History of film; film as “art”; genre studies (melodrama, westerns, science fiction, love stories, “road” films etc); auteurs (Fellini, Bergman, Scorcese, Truffaut, Godard, Kieslowski etc); individual films; comparative studies of two or more films; production; editing; style; aesthetics; popular film; Hollywood; postmodernism etc.
- Early Modern British and European History, 1500-1800 (e.g. Reformation, Tudor and Stuart Britain, Enlightenment)
- The History of Religion (e.g. Reformation, Catholicism, Christianity in America, Religious Freedom/Church and State)
- Applied Use of Expert Systems in Industrial Applications
- Object-Oriented Technique Development in Systems Development
- Program Management developing a method architecture
- Advanced research applications utilising the Internet
- Medieval literature (Chaucer); the Renaissance; the Elizabethans; the Augustans; Romanticism; Victorian literature; modernism; postmodernism; American literature; Australian, French, German, Canadian and new literature in English.
- Individual authors (eg, Milton, Donne, Shakespeare, Pope, Swift, Wordsworth, Dickens, Tennyson, Whitman, TS Eliot, Yeats, Joyce, Faulkner, Woolf, Patrick White, Hemingway, Wharton, Larkin, Heaney, Carey, Rushdie, Bellow, Malouf etc)
- Ethical Management – An increasingly important (and often overlooked) field, ethical management warrants research, particularly into the supply chain covering second party suppliers such as Reebok and Nike. Proposals now wanted!
- Business Ethics and Social Responsibility – Now offering a specialised Master of Arts degree. Click here for full details.
- High-Density Planting Systems of Fruit Trees
- Effects of Growth Regulators on Plants Production
- Study of Environmental Factors on Flowering and Fruiting of Fruit Trees
- Studies on Effects of Tree Density on Flowering and Fruiting
- Effects of Growth Retardants on Flowering and Fruiting of Fruit Trees
- Effects of Water Logging on Growth, Flowering and Fruiting of Fruit Trees
- Effects of Shade and Light Intensity on Flowering and Fruiting of Fruit Trees
- Effects of Water Schedules on Vegetables Production
- Effects of Plant Density on Plants Production
- Effects of Rootstocks on Fruit Trees Production
- Interaction between Different Rootstocks and Cultivars on Flowering and Fruiting on Fruit Trees
- Effects of Growth Regulators on Vegetables Production
- Sports nutrition in health and injury.
- Dietary supplements in the healthy adult.
- Health implications of vegetarianism.
- Diet and disease in Western societies.
- These areas of research hold potential for gainful employment in health related institutions and also in pharmaceutical and nutrition oriented industries.
- The Problem of Evil and/or The Free Will Defence (Philosophy of Religion)
- Arguments for the Existence of God (Philosophy of Religion)
- The Nature/Concept of God [ie. a consideration of God’s attributes] (Philosophy of Religion)
- Epistemology: the nature of truth; scepticism; “knowledge” in the sciences, religion or knowledge in general; the role of metaphor; the role of language; empirical knowledge; human rationality; the scope and limits of knowledge. Individual philosophers: Plato; Socrates; Hume; Kant; Descartes etc. Comparative study of two or more philosophers. History of epitemology.
- Ethics: the origins of morality; the nature of morality; “why should we be moral?”; the nature and role of duty and obligation; the nature of happiness; Utilitarianism and other models; morality and different cultures; moral judgments; rationality and ethics; intuition and ethics; evolutionary explanations of morality
- Applied ethics: euthanasia; cloning; genetic engineering; abortion; involuntary sterilisation; environmental ethics; medical ethics; ethics and law; ethics and science; ethics and religion; metaethics. History of ethics
- Metaphysics: the nature of space and time; the nature of being; the existence of God; free will; the immortality of the soul; “Fate”; metaphysical language; deconstruction; postmodernism. History of Metaphysics. Study of one or more metaphysicians (eg, Plato, Aristotle, Aquinas, Spinoza, Kant, Hegel, Heidegger etc). Metaphysics and science; metaphysics and religion
- Logic: truth and validity; fallacies; reasoning; argumentation; propositions; limits of logic; artificial intelligence; history of logic; study of one or more logicians
- Aesthetics: beauty; the “Sublime”; aesthetic judgment; the nature of art; art and society; postmodernism; history of aesthetics; study of one or more thinkers (Plato, Aristotle, Kant, Hegel, Nietzsche, Tolstoy, Beardsley, Scruton etc)
- International Political Economy – Areas as diverse as the international monetary system, theories of international trade, the multinational corporation, and economic development.
- International Security – NATO, regional security in the post-Cold War era, the Balkans, the Middle-East, etc..
- Political Ideologies – Research with a focus on political parties: the history and poltical philosophy of the Conservatives, the Liberals, the Social-Demorats, the Socialists, the Communists, the Christian Democrats and the “Greens” as they are represented by several parties in Europe and America.
- Reformation, Catholicism, Christianity in America, Religious Freedom/Church and State