Warnborough College Ireland logo (2023)

Application for APEL

Apply to have your prior experience and learning recognised for credit.




  1. Applying for APEL is NOT free. There is a fee for this
  2. Please read the form carefully before completing to ensure you understand what is required/expected of you.
  3. If your name has changed since achieving the credit for which APCL is sought, please attach evidence of the name change, e.g. a marriage certificate.
  4. If you have more information to declare than the form permits, type everything up in a document and upload (or email it to us).
APEL Application

Guidance Notes (please read first!)

Note: There is a fee which is payable for this service. Currently, this fee is €300 if you wish to submit a portfolio on your own, or €3000 if you wish to work with a supervisor.

Section One: Applicant and Certificated Learning

Please complete the form with as much detail as possible about your prior formal learning. This will allow your prior learning to be assessed and help us to identify if any further information is required from you. If known, please indicate how much credit you think your prior learning can reasonably be used towards the Warnborough College program.

Date of award – Your prior learning must be  ‘current’, normally meaning completed within the last five years. If your learning was completed more than five years ago, you may be required to provide additional evidence that you have remained up to date in the subject area (e.g. your CV detailing recent work experience or professional development).

Certificate – It is very important that you are able to supply copies of certificates or transcripts you received. If you do not have these, then please provide an explanation separately. These do not have to be uploaded now but must go into your Portfolio.

Section Two: Additional Evidence

Additional evidence may include, for example, a full C.V., or a statement of how you have kept up-to-date through Continuous Professional Development (CPD). Also, please list any supporting evidence you are attaching with the form i.e. copies of certificates. This is to ensure that those assessing the claim can be sure they have received all of the evidence provided.

Section Three: Mapping

A formal application for this program has already been submitted

You must submit a formal programme application before completing this form. This prevents unnecessary duplication of information.

Section One: Applicant and External Awards


External Award Details
If you want to submit more than 4 awards, then upload a separate document showing everything in great detail.

e.g. University of Sydney, Diploma in Business, June 2020
Add another award?
e.g. University of Sydney, Diploma in Business, June 2020
Add another award?
e.g. University of Sydney, Diploma in Business, June 2020
Add another award?
e.g. University of Sydney, Diploma in Business, June 2020

Section Two: Additional Evidence

You may (be asked to) provide additional evidence to strengthen your case. Please list below any additional evidence you will be uploading. (e.g. any CPD training you may have done). In your portfolio, you will provide detailed statements to support your additional evidence.

Section Three: Mapping

Provide brief details of how you think your previous learning maps onto the learning outcomes expected of the Warnborough College award for which you are seeking APCL. Please reference the syllabus or program specification of your completed qualification for the relevant learning outcomes. This will give us a clear understanding of your prior learning when we assess your claim. Use the following table to map your learning.

Provide evidence in the form of learning outcomes. Module descriptors including the aims, content and outcomes are available from the Registry, Program Director, or APL Advisor. Hours of study, course content, assignments and assessments with results should be included where possible.

For experiential learning,  submit evidence of work-based and other non-formal learning which contributes to meeting the learning outcomes of claimed modules.  Submit a document outlining the comparisons of learning outcomes using the examples below as a template:

Example 1: APL for certificated course

Certificated Award
2 years ago I completed an Institute of Management Level 6 Certificate in Management. My certificate, transcript and a copy of the syllabus are attached.

Equates to
I have covered the learning outcomes for 2 Warnborough modules (BU330 People Management and BU217 Budgeting & Cost Management).

Example 2: APL for experience

As an experienced Personnel Officer of fifteen years standing (see CV) I believe I have fulfilled the learning outcomes of the module in Conflict Management. I have detailed experience and evidence below which corresponds to the Learning outcomes.

Translates to
a) Ability to provide good advice regarding rights, duties and obligations of the employment relationship.
b) Understand the nature of conflict in employing organisations and the strategies available to manage the manifestations.
c) How to employ negotiation techniques as a method of conflict resolution.

Additional Supporting Statements

a) I have trained senior managers in the company to understand the employment relationship and I attach a brochure of a training course showing that I am the presenter.

b) I enclose (confidential material) a strategic plan I put forward to avert a strike a year ago and some minutes from regular meetings with the Union that I facilitate. I also attach some minutes from Personnel meetings specifically related to conflict situations.

c) I believe that document ‘iii’ submitted as above and the minutes of 4th November 2019 show that I can employ negotiation techniques successfully.

Upload Your Evidence

Maximum file size: 516MB

Acceptable formats are .jpg, .png, .gif, .pdf, .doc, .pages
Alternatively, I will submit my documents separately by

Student Declaration

I declare that all the information I have provided is accurate, honest, and can be verified. I understand that all decisions made by the Validation Committee is final and that the APL verification fee is non-refundable.

Drag the slider all the way to 100 to show you understand and agree. Your application will not be processed if the number is not 100.

All done, checked and ready to go!

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