This program is aimed at the person who wants to undertake a Master’s or Doctorate degree through mentor instruction and the completion of pre-defined modules. Typically, as a student, you will need to complete a total of 60 credits for the Master’s and and 80 credits for the Doctorate. Continual Assessment is used for the evaluation of the award.

There is no requirement to contribute towards new or existing knowledge. You will be required to undergo a series of modules with set learning objectives and outcomes. Your comprehension and critical thinking ability is tested through assignments, projects, and /or examinations particular to each module.
Option 2 allows students to focus on a particular area of interest or need.
Accepted candidates are referred to as ‘learners‘.
Several primer modules are built into the program to level the ‘playing field’ and ensure that the necessary study and learning skills are in place. Once properly primed, learners can then get into the heart of the program.
Learners are allocated a personal mentor by the Graduate Studies Committee.
There may be different mentors for different modules within the same program. As a learner, you will work closely with the mentor by any method chosen by them. This may be online and/or face-to-face.
Some programs may be run in cohorts. A cohort is a group of students who start and finish at the same time, with specific deadlines, assignments and requirements.
As a learner, you will submit regular reports to the Graduate Studies Committee via the mentor. These reports are monitored closely guidance and counselling can be given to the laerner accordingly. All work is graded by the mentor. High standards in presentation, critical analysis and content are required for all written submissions.
The learner submits all final assignments to the Graduate Studies Committee together with reports from the mentor and the two external examiners. In some cases, an oral examination (viva voce) may be required either in person, or by other techniques. If a learner fails to meet the required academic standards, he or she will fail, or receive a lesser degree.
This program is ideal for those candidates who prefer a modular approach to their learning. It offers a more controlled form of learning, with set learning objectives and outcomes. It also aims to give students a broader perspective of a discipline, before specialising in a particular area. Accepted students may begin on the first of any month. Cohorts start on specific dates.
In exceptional circumstances those who qualify for advanced placement a Master’s Degree may be obtained within one academic year or less, and a PhD/DBA may be completed within two academic years or less.
Transfer students from other institutions are welcome to apply, and advanced standing may be given for previous study and research.
Extensions are permitted (maximum of six terms for Master’s and ten terms for Doctorate).
This option is not for everyone seeking a Masters or Doctorate degree. Unless you feel competent to undertake intensive research, you are advised to consider Option 2, no less demanding but structured to test and assess a candidate’s ability, knowledge and expertise in his or her chosen area of specialisation through instruction, projects and assignments.
A term/semester is 4 months. Researchers are required to pay separately for extension terms. Please refer to the Fees section for more information.
Also, see Financial Aid and Scholarships.
The first day of any month, and the term begins the first date of matriculation (entry) when the student is approved as a researcher. Find out how to apply here.
See here for further information.