- Interested in how the key ancient thinkers addressed the question of how human beings should secure the ‘good life‘ and how to ‘live well?’
- Want to develop an understanding of important concepts such as ‘good‘, ‘pleasure‘, ‘happiness‘, ‘desire‘, and ‘virtue?’
- Would you like the chance to study important texts written by great ancient thinkers like Plato, Aristotle, Epicurus and Epictetus?
…then prepare yourself for the metaphysical adventure of your life and sign up for the Warnborough MA in Ancient Philosophy!
The study of ancient philosophy has more than mere academic interest, for the ancient thinkers set themselves the task of securing for their students ‘the good life’, that is, the capacity to live as well as one may in ways that are appropriate for rational and conscientious beings. The student on this program is therefore encouraged to appreciate in a significant sense what it means to be a philosopher (a ‘lover of wisdom’) and how living the ‘philosophic life’ contributes to one’s well-being and to the development of one’s humanity.
Key Info
4 terms (16 months) minimum ^
120 ECTS credits
€85 per credit. €10,200 in total.
Undergraduate degree in the same or related discipline

Graduate students of Ancient Philosophy will be expected to work independently and aggressively to identify and secure an understanding of the issues that seem most meaningful, the challenge of which will have the potential to stimulate the candidate to contribute to new knowledge in the discipline.
The graduate program in Ancient Philosophy is suitable for students who intend to develop professional careers in a wide range of settings. The rigorous intellectual training that philosophy provides has value and appeal to employers in areas such as: teaching (most likely at the college level), course development and curricula design, research, civil service, local government, charities, information technology, solicitor’s firms, publishing, journalism, and so forth.
Students may be exempt from certain modules in the curriculum, based on prior courses taken, and/or demonstrated knowledge of philosophy and related disciplines. Modules taken at any time during the student’s career may be counted, if they fulfil appropriate requirements.
Because of the enormous flexibility of the WCI program, students may work with their mentor to structure their program in the context of their individual interests, and professional and academic goals. Read the complete module descriptions for information as well as ideas – think of them as a set of guidelines, rather than rules. They will also give you ideas on areas you may wish to pursue most aggressively, in your graduate program.
120 ECTS credits, including a Master’s Thesis, will be required for the MA degree. In accordance with Warnborough College regulations, MA candidates in Ancient Philosophy will need to fulfil the following requirements:
Part One: Survey of the Primary Sources (10 credits each)
- PH500 Good, pleasure and happiness
- PH510 Knowledge and desire in virtue
- PH520 The good of others
- PH530 Virtue and happiness
Part Two: Key Philosophers (10 credits each)
- PH515 Plato
- PH518 Aristotle
- PH538 The Philosophy of Epicurus
- PH541 The Philosophy of the Stoic Epictetus
Part Three: Research Project (40 credits)
- PH650 Thesis
This program is offered via distance learning. Individual programs can be structured in modular formats; can be project/research directed, or can combine both options. At the graduate level, students are expected to be highly self-motivated and capable of independent work.
Dr. Mark Cole is a transactional attorney, general counsel and insurance specialist with over 25 years experience. Dr. Cole is also a Warnborough doctoral graduate in the history of ideas. He has law degrees from Notre Dame Law School (J.D., cum laude) and the University of Houston (LL.M. in international economic law) and an MBA from Western Governors University.
He began his career at a large international law firm, and then became general counsel to a small company. He has worked on the development of energy and transportation infrastructure assets and directed the company’s insurance program, and worked on financings, acquisitions and divestments, leases, private equity raises and the IPO of the company. He also advises the company on day-to-day matters including employment law/human resources, immigration, entity management and growth and governance. Dr. Cole also served as an elected member and chairman of his county’s hospital district, where he helped set and control a budget of more than $50 million, and worked on infrastructure development, asset management, personnel issues and benefits, long-term planning, executive hiring and evaluation. Dr. Cole has also served on the board of many charitable organizations and ministries.
He began his education at Baylor University (BA English/political science), and went on to receive a MAR from Yale Divinity School, and study philosophy and theology at Trinity College, Dublin. He also has a ThM from Whitefield Theological Seminary. He maintains a deep and active interest in moral philosophy, jurisprudence, applied and professional ethics, philosophical theology, literature, and the history of ideas. He is a member of the State Bar of Texas, a Fellow of the Texas Bar Foundation, and holds the Energy Risk and Management Liability Insurance Specialist certifications from the International Risk Management Institute.
Fees refer to tuition only. It does not include ancillary expenses such as required materials (see above), textbooks, internet connections, postage, telephone calls, insurance and printing. More…
Depending upon exemptions, performance and the workload, it may take more or less time. Accreditation for Prior Learning or Experience (APEL) can reduce time and fees.