Warnborough College Ireland logo (2023)

Master of Arts (MA) in Cultural Art History


  • What is ‘artistic motive’?
  • Want to understand the relationship between culture and art throughout history?
  • Want to heighten your understanding of the dimensions of multiculturalism?
  • Are you considering a career as an art historian?

Discover answers to burning questions and channel your interests with the Warnborough MA in Cultural Art HistoryEnrol today!


Art transcends the boundaries of time, place, religion, politics, economics and culture. Art is where cultural, creative and historical characteristics are expressed – in timeless works that ultimately belong to us all. 


Art history is very significant in the broad cultural fabric. Studies continue to reveal that human beings throughout the ages share common characteristics that remain steadfast, despite cultural distinctions and the passage of millennia. Cultural Art History more fully explores the cultural cross-fertilization of traditions manifested in works of art and the influences underlying their production.


4 terms (16 months) minimum ^



€85 per credit. €10,200 in total.




Undergraduate degree in the same or related discipline

Cultural Art History Progression Pathway


1 Lecture + Evaluation (0.3 ECTS)
No pre-requisites
See Program

Certificate of Completed Module

4 modules (32 ECTS)
No pre-requisites
See Program

Postgraduate Certificate in the History of Art

4 modules (32 ECTS)
Bachelors or similar
See Program

Postgraduate Diploma in Cultural Art History

8 modules (64 ECTS)
PG Certificate + 4 extra modules
See Program

Master of Arts in Cultural Art History

10 modules (80 ECTS) + Thesis (40 ECTS)
PG Diploma + 2 extra modules + Thesis
You Are Here

PhD in Cultural Art History

12 modules (96 ECTS) + Dissertation (64 ECTS)
Masters or equivalent
See Program

Note: The graduate programs (colour-coded ‘blue’ up) show a clear progression pathway. The lower-level courses can be done purely for general interest or as transfer credits to other schools. Move your mouse over each block to see the entry pre-requisites (if any).

The MA in Cultural Art History is particularly useful for learners who intend to develop professional careers in Cultural Art History, such as historians, museum workers and scholars. However the M.A. in Cultural Art History can be useful to those who want to pursue other careers including law, curriculum development, museum and gallery work, art therapy, art dealership, fine arts, travel and tourism, research, art criticism, creative writing, journalism and teaching.

Why not contact us to see if this program is for you?

Master’s candidates will be required to complete a minimum of 120 credits, which include an independent Master’s Project. Compulsory and elective modules must be equivalent at the 500 level or above. See full module list here.

The MA in Cultural Art History is comprised of 4 compulsory modules, 7 elective modules, and a Master’s Thesis or Project. Total of 120 credits.

11 modules: 88 credits (8 credits each)

Dissertation: 32 credits

The following modules are compulsory: (4 modules, 8 credits each, total of 32 credits)

  1. CAH 701 The History of Art History
  2. CAH 702 Conducting Research in Art History
  3. Choose either CAH703 Critical Writing in Art History OR CAH704 Theory and Interpretation
  4. Choose either CAH505 The Business of Art History OR CAH506 Museum Practices

The following modules are elective: (7 modules, 8 credits each, total of 56 credits)

  1. A Choice of 1 Module selected from CAH707 through CAH725
  2. A Choice of 4 Modules in the major area of art historical emphasis 
  3. A Choice of 2 Topical Modules 

See full module list here.

This program is offered via distance learning. This involves a fully open learning experience and is achieved through a combination of distance, on-site and virtual learning experiences. Individual programs can be structured in module formats; can be project/research directed, or can combine these options. At the Masters level, learners are expected to be highly self-motivated and capable of independent work. We expect students to be motivated and have plenty of initiative, as ‘spoonfeeding’ is not encouraged.

All learners are also required to actively participate in and contribute to the Warnborough Online Management System (LMS). The Kent Arts Conference is sponsored by Warnborough College Ireland each year, and students are actively encouraged to participate in this. It is a great opportunity to present research or workshops, and to meet other like-minded contacts.

Dr Celina Senisterra
Dr Celina Senisterra

Celina B. Barrios de Senisterra was born and grew up in Argentina where, after graduating with a Diploma of Architect, she designed, planned, and directed private and public  building projects, and administered a cultural institution. After moving to Canada, she worked in art galleries and  museums in the education, curatorial, and cataloguing departments, while completing a Master of Arts in Art History at the University of Toronto, and a PhD in Cultural Art History at Warnborough College Ireland.

She has been a guest lecturer in History of Art and Architecture at  various colleges, universities, and libraries. In 2019, she published  her book "Mesoamerican Open Spaces and Mural Paintings as Statements of Cultural Identity" that has been added to university libraries in Europe, and North and South America. She lives in Canada with her family and dog. 

She can be contacted at arthistory@warnborough.edu

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* Fees:
Fees refer to tuition only. It does not include ancillary expenses such as required materials (see above), textbooks, internet connections, postage, telephone calls, insurance and printing. More

^ Duration:
Depending upon exemptions, performance and the workload, it may take more or less time. Accreditation for Prior Learning or Experience (APEL) can reduce time and fees.

This is a unique program that could do a lot for a lot of people.

Libby Geiselmayr

Project Coordinator, Atlanta Metropolitan Area

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