The Warnborough College Postgraduate Certificate in Zookeeping is great for those who are interested in working with animals as a career.
It functions nicely as a primer qualification, providing knowledge in specific areas that would be pertinent to zookeepers and the job, in general.
The choice of electives allows you to turn your hand to areas which interest you more, thus giving you more flexibility.
The online learning methodology allows you to learn at your own pace, anytime, anywhere.
Key Info
6 months up ^
40 ECTS credits
€85* per ECTS credit
Bachelor’s degree in the same or related discipline, or equivalent

This flexible course consists of two compulsory modules and two elective modules:
Compulsory Modules (10 ECTS credits each)
ANI600 Zookeeping
A comprehensive introduction to crop-growing which covers areas such as different types of crop systems, establishing and nurturing crops, and techniques used in traditional and organic growing systems.
RES600 Research Project
This module encourages you to construct a problem statement, identify relevant literature, then develop a hypothesis. You will also be required to look at data sources and complete a research proposal. The module will help you to understand how to structure a thesis, complete an ethics form and draft a thesis to post graduate level.
Elective Modules (10 ECTS credits each)
Select any two modules from the list below:
ENV610 Wildlife Conservation
Looks at wildlife conservation concepts, biodiversity indicators, invasive species, climate change, disease, relevant terminology, vulnerable species, endangered species, habitat conservation and protection, populations, ecology, landscape modelling, ecosystem management, ecologically sustainable forests, vegetation surveys, wildlife and farm planning, urban planning, manipulating and managing populations, revegetation, pest control, fencing.
ANI631 Ornithology
Consists of classification and introduction to birth watching, common and scientific names, fossil and extinct birds, classes and subclasses, Super order characteristics, major bird family characteristics, equipment, biology of birds, senses, avian behaviour, formation of eggs, hatching, feeding, vocalisation, migration, habitats, attracting birds, feeding and keeping birds, plants and birds, attracting birds with plants, bird care, parasites, caring for a sick bird, common ailments.
ANI620 Vertebrate Zoology
Topics covered include vertebrate taxonomy, diversity taxonomic classifications, morphology and evolution, environmental and genetic influences, diversification, speciation, convergence, diet, habit, distribution, terminology, major fish groups, ecotherms, birds, mammals, marsupials, grand order glires and insectivora, carnivores, ungulate, primates and other archonta.
ANI687 Primates
Study about primates, their anatomy and physiology, evolution and taxonomy, order and distinguishing characteristics, New World and Old World monkeys, Diet and Nutrition, Pathogens, social behaviour, behaviour in the wild, social group composition, physical environment, communication, wellbeing of primates in captivity, abnormal behaviour, primates as pets, self harm, foraging for food, boredom management, learning in primates, breeding programmes, conservation status, susceptibility to extinction.
ANI642 Marine Studies I
Topics include marine ecology systems, reefs and waters, estuaries, marine arthropods, shellfish, crustaceans, molluscs, brachiopods, crabs, hermit crabs, lobsters, prawns, squids, octopus, cephalopods, cluepeoids, cartilaginous fish, sharks, eels, rays, shark lifecycle, sharks and tourism, bony fish, fish anatomy and structure, legalities, protection of wildlife, marine mammals, dolphins, whales, protection of marine mammals, position of marine mammals in the food chain, turtles, seabirds and sea snakes, sea snake toxicity, turtle protection, penguins, knots, pelicans and other sea birds, the human impact on fishing and the marine environment, managing fish stocks and other marine life.
ANI691 Marine Studies II
More advanced topics such as terminology, classification/taxonomy, simple and microscopic organisms, protazoans, ciliates, flagellates, algae, bacteria, plankton, sponges, marine plants, seaweeds, chlorophyta, phaeophyta, rhodophyta, marine fungi, marine flowering plants, mangroves, cnidarians, worms, anemones, jellyfish, crustaceans, worms, segmented worms, arthropods, prawns and shrimps, hermit crabs, molluscs, octopus, cuttlefish, echinoderms, non-bony fish, bony fish, marine mammals and higher animals (sea turtles, pinnipeds, dugongs, manatees, whales, dolphins, seabirds).
ANI624 Herpetology
Topics include definition of herpetology, reptiles, classification and characteristics of reptiles, turtles, snakes, lizards, amphibians, reptile biology, amphibians, amphibian biology, reptile ecology, amphibian ecology, conservation, pollution, habitat change, pesticides, disease, keeping reptiles and amphibians.
ANI630 Wildlife Management
Covers wildlife management, goals, decision making, wildlife needs, good habitats, limiting factors, capacity, landscape fragmentation, habitat diversity, biological control, integrated pest management, different types of ecology, parasitism, commensalism, mutualism, the Food Web and Energy Flow, imbalances, wildlife habitats, biomes, population dynamics, animal ethics, case studies, wildlife management techniques, habitat modification, captive breeding and release, pest control, effects of control, law and administration.
The program is conducted entirely online. Upon enrolment, studies may commence within a few days. You will receive an email with an access code for our online learning system.
You may be required to do an orientation course in academic writing beforehand.
You will get unlimited email support throughout the program, on every module/course. In some instances, telephone support can also be arranged.
* Fees:
Fees refer to tuition only. It does not include ancillary expenses such as required materials (see above), textbooks, internet connections, postage, telephone calls, insurance and printing. More…
^ Duration:
Time varies depending upon exemptions, performance and the workload. Accreditation for Prior Learning or Experience (APEL) can reduce time and fees. Part of a degree pathway.