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SkillNET: New ERASMUS+ Project

ERASMUS+ Project with Skillman.eu

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We are pleased to announce that another important ERASMUS+ project with our participation has been approved by the European Union with co-funding of half a million Euros. 

Entitled “Sector Skills Network of VET Centres in Advanced Manufacturing”, the two-year project seeks to create a transnational VET providers’ network spanning the entire European Union and other countries. 

Among other things, the project will try to achieve the following outcomes:

  • establish 4 peer learning clubs
  • training on EU sources
  • validation of VET
  • EU tools – getting VET providers to enhance the collaboration and the cooperation mechanisms
  • provide support for European Vocational Skills Week
  • pairing of VET VIPs with learners, staff members and managers
  • sector skills foresight
  • curricula development
  • training of trainers


  1. CSCS: Centro Studi Cultura Sviluppo (Coordinator)
  2. WC: Warnborough College representing IVETA
  3. AER: Assembly of European Regions
  4. ENII: European Network of Innovation for Inclusion 

Associated Partners

  1. EAPRIL: European Association for Practitioner Research on Improving Learning
  2. ETF: European Training Foundation

Former Partners

  1. EARLALL: European Association of Regional and Local Authorities for Lifelong Learning
  2. Cumulus: International Association of Universities and Colleges

Programme Details

Programme: EPPKA3 – Support for Policy Reform
Action: VET-NETPAR – Networks and partnerships of Vocational Education and Training (VET) providers
Proposal Call for Proposals: 2019 – EACEA-37-2018
Application No: 609063-EPP-1-2019-1-IT-EPPKA3-VET-NETPAR
Title: Sector Skills Network in Advanced Manufacturing

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