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INCLUSION2: An Erasmus+ Project

INCLUSION2 Kickoff Meeting in Malta with the former Minister of Education

All teams are diverse, all students are diverse! 


If we want to realise education and learning for all students, we need to realise schools as inclusive settings in which students learn in a sustainable way for their future and for future society. Effective professional learning of teachers happens in professional learning communities in which teachers creatively co- create knowledge and skills for inclusive school settings and sustainable learning. 


INCLUSION² distinguishes itself by focusing cocreation with school teams to develop sustainable inclusive school practice and learning for sustainability by making use of the diversity in the teams. It is just this ‘diversity’ which is an important pedagogical knowledge building principle (Scardamalia 2002; Scardamalia and Bereiter 2014). Knowledge advancement depends on diversity of ideas, just as the success of an ecosystem depends on biodiversity. To understand an idea is to understand the ideas that surround it, including those that stand in contrast to it. It is a wealth of ideas and out-of-the-box thinking. The cocreation process search for the best explanation, solution, product, understanding a team can build. The cocreating in teams is a process of democratizing knowledge. 



Creative co-creation design processes in diverse teams contributing to inclusive schools for a sustainable future (INCLUSION2, 2022-2024)

Reg.Number: KA220-SCH-8C293865
Duration: 30 months
Programme: KA220-SCH – Cooperation partnerships in school education
Grant Holder: St. Joseph, Mater Boni Consilii School





This partnership will first focus on the local needs of inclusive education and learning for a sustainable future. 

At the school policy level we want to support schools in their policy on inclusive education and learning for a sustainable future. The partnership will support this through creative co-creation processes, which is a bottom-up approach. We will develop professional learning for teams on the theme of INCLUSION² and we want to convince policy makers to work on inclusive schools for a sustainable future through this bottom-up approach.



  1. Contribute to a more inclusive education and learning for a sustainable future
  2. Support teachers, school leaders and other education professionals to develop a more inclusive education and sustainable future
  3. See the diversity of teams as a strength for the above objectives
  4. Use the diversity of teams to creatively co-create and design processes to achieve the above objectives
  5. Develop R1, a frame of thinking to support diverse teams in their creative co-creation design processes
  6. Develop R2, tools that support diverse teams in creative co-creation design processes to realise inclusive education and learning for a sustainable future
  7. Develop R3, a Digital Learning Environment to support school teams in realising inclusive education and learning for a sustainable future
  8. Develop R4, bottom-up professional learning for diverse teams based on and in line with the frame of thinking, the tools and the online DLE
  9. Process-based creative co-creation and dissemination of R1, R2, R3 and R4 via multiplier events 
  10. Disseminate the results of the project locally and internationally.


  1. St. Joseph, Mater Boni Consilii School (Malta) – Project Coordinator
  2. Warnborough  College (Ireland)
  3.  Aeres University of Applied Sciences (Netherlands)
  4. DHOS Brugge (Belgium)

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