Pro-VET is a sub €1 million Euro project which is co-funded by the European Union (EU) that aims to improve vocational, education and training (VET) teacher competencies and skills in Serbia and Russia. Four EU nations (Ireland, Finland, Netherlands and Germany) will share best practice, experience and guidance to build capacity for the Russian and Serbian partners.
12 universities (of which Warnborough College Ireland is one) will come together on this project. WCI will be leading the development of the online learning platform that will form part of the professional VET Teachers Network. Over the course of the project, the partners will meet in Finland, Ireland, Netherlands, Russia, Germany and Serbia.
Professional Development of Vocational Education Teachers with European Practices (Pro-VET, 2018-2021)
Reg.Number: 598698-EPP-1-2018-1-FI-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP
Duration: 2018-2022
Programme: CBHE ERASMUS+
Grant Holder: JAMK University of Applied Sciences (JAMK)
Project Aims
Pro-VET will introduce a systematic approach to continuous professional development on European VET policy and practice for VET teachers (in-service trainers, instructors, mentors etc.) and HE teachers engaged in VET teacher training in both school and work-based settings for Serbia and Russia by e-learning tools.
Pro-VET will provide opportunities for HE/VET teachers for pedagogical skill development and increased work-life relevance and collaboration with proven European approaches and methodologies in VET. It will help to build confidence in the industry on the development of the VET systems. Pro-VET will therefore address the challenges of the educational quality, relevance, delivery, and management of the VET systems following VET Pointers for policy development.
Project Objectives
- To train the HE teachers of the two partner countries on using European VETinitiatives, best methods and pedagogical approaches and to capacitate them in creating development-oriented in-service training courses for VET teacher training.
- To setup and equip national e-labs on the base of the 8 partner countries’ institutes for producing and disseminating content and courses on European VET policy, practice and methods in Russian, Serbian and English languages as vocational open online courses (VOOCs). The special content is to be introduced also in the existing Bachelor’s and Master’s Curricula of VET teachers study programmes of the partner institutes.
- To setup VET Educator’s Training Network (VET-ETN) on the base of an open access e-learning platform, which serves also as an aggregator of partners’ websites and social networks around established national laboratories providing forums, training and communication on European VET policy, theory and practice for professional development of VET teachers and trainers in national languages.
- To ensure after effect sustainability of the VET-ETN and to consolidate their role in VET development nationally and build their networks with VET providers,industry, work-life and policy makers.
- To co-design roadmaps for VET development in line with European policy and practice in Russia and Serbia in a policy dialogue with National Ministries of Education.
Project Consortium
European Partners
- JAMK University of Applied Sciences (JAMK) – coordinator
- Aeres University of Applied Sciences Wageningen (AHW)
- Warnborough College Ireland (WCI)
- Universität Bremen, Institut Technik und Bildung (ITB)
Russian Partners
- Russian State Vocational Pedagogical University (RSVPU)
- Institute of Pedagogy, Psychology and Social problems (IPPSP)
- Moscow State University of Geodesy and Cartography (MIIGAiK)
- Tver State University (TSU)