Elizabeth (Libby) Scandale recently joined our PhD in Cultural Art History programme*. Here, she shares with us about her Warnborough journey, the programme and a bit of her vibrant personality.
*Update: She graduated in 2019!
So, give us an introduction to Libby Scandale.
Well, I live in North Carolina, USA and teach studio art to both primary age and university students. I also help run an animal advocacy organization in my community.
I felt called to art teaching when I was 15 years old, and felt it would be my life’s work. It has been, giving me lifelong friends in some of my former students as well the opportunity to impact the next generation.
And now you have started a PhD with Warnborough?
I’m still in the experience and have much to say about it so far. The Warnborough journey is a great one… I highly recommend it. Before I started, I spent more than six months extensively researching regional, national and international advanced degree programs in my career field (arts education). On every point, Warnborough College kept coming out at the top of the choices.
Important elements such as course flexibility, student independence, cost, programme length, mentorship, degree options and a global network of satisfied, productive graduates proved to be powerful indicators.
Two very special people to mention at this point of my journey — Dr Julian Ng in Admissions has been absolutely stellar. He was very gracious and caring with me and some unique challenges I had at the outset, and I sensed he never grew weary (or certainly didn’t show it!) with the multiple questions I had going in.
This is my first ever distance learning experience, and I was nervous. He patiently answered every question — ones that he probably hears a thousand times a month. I didn’t know if I had what it took to make the online decision. He is never pushy, and always supportive. And, Dr Jill Kiefer as my mentor is superb….the ideal blend of intellect, experience, kick butt (yes, we all need it) and artistic achievement of her own.

Both of them are amazingly responsive… I’ve gotten email replies on Friday evenings, weekends, holidays and whenever there is a need….. in other words, they don’t “shut down” at 5 PM in some distant time zone and you’re left wondering about something important for days. Instead, they have exhibited tremendous and timely feedback and care.
Wow, that’s great. Why did you choose distance learning when there are so many great schools in the USA?
I chose distance learning because I needed the flexibility to work on a degree while continuing my professional work. It would have been impossible to fit into the traditional university in-class system.
The Warnborough programme is ideal for serious learners who have an internal drive to achieve with a thirst and passion for advanced education and who can benefit from the flexibility of setting a good bit of their own learning schedule. The WC programme of study is rigorous; nothing slack about it. It is pushing me to see, in an amazing new light, the field I’ve already spent a few decades in — and that’s quite a feat. To be learning and appreciating more about yourself, and your chosen field, and the world around us is a very special blessing. I am thankful I was led to Warnborough and took on this worthwhile challenge.
I definitely feel that my tuition dollars (fees) are being well spent–I am getting excellent value.
Are there any main differences to studying in a classroom?
The challenges of distance learning are mainly that it requires discipline to stick to a work schedule at home without the external requirement of someone expecting your physical attendance in class.
Do you have a favourite quote?
“We see things, not as they are, but as we are.” Anais Nin
If you could choose any three people to invite to dinner, who would they be and why?
What a great question (and probably the hardest). I will just assume these are three separate dinners (?)…smile….
— Of course, Jesus Christ. It is beyond imagination what He could tell, but certainly the motivation behind His actions, His suffering and love, and how He sees us now after His life here.
— Felix Mendelssohn or any other great composer of any era. It would be fascinating to get an inside view of the act of creating music, both the main melody line and all the chords and harmonies and background orchestration.
— Sir Alexander Fleming who accidentally discovered penicillin after coming home from a holiday and seeing in his lab the cultures that had been growing there. Many other famous as well as little-known scientists would be thrilling to have dinner with.
Is there a personal motto you live by?
Cherish life and celebrate it more. Don’t stifle joy and opportunity.
Warnborough in five words?
Best personal decision right now.
Breathes new life and possibilities.
Don’t wait/hesitate: Go Warnborough!
Warnborough: World-class. Worth it.
Seize your chance to succeed.
I know, more than five words. 🙂
Student Interview conducted by Fanny Picavet.