Warnborough College Ireland is an independent college for adult education. It is self-regulating and awards degrees under its Articles of Association (no. 264181). It is a self-accredited institution operating in line with the European Qualifications Framework (EQF).
Since its founding in 1997, Warnborough College Ireland courses, programmes and credentials have received recognition around the world for its innovative and practical approach to online and blended learning. Our graduates learn to link theory with practical outcomes to achieve success within their fields. We are proud of our graduates who are employed in top positions in commerce, industry, universities and the professions.
Warnborough College is accredited by the IEAC and awarded a prestigious 5 Star Ranking, their highest accolade. Read their feedback here.
Warnborough College adheres to the Principles of Best Practice for Cross-Border Higher Education as recommended by the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA), the International Association of Universities (IAU), and the Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada (AUCC). There are also areas where we adopt frameworks from quality assurance bodies like the British QAA for Prior Experience and Learning (APEL).
Our own quality assurance and peer review processes are based on ISO9001 standards, the European Qualifications Framework (EQF), as well as industry best-practice. Standards are monitored by our Council, the Academic Board, external assessors, and industry partners. All dissertations are examined by external examiners following European standards and must be individually defended. Moreover, we work with universities and colleges around the world for mutual recognition, faculty and student exchanges, joint awards, partnerships, and other opportunities.
Some vocational qualifications receive additional accreditation e.g. the Bachelor of Science in Psychology (accredited by the ACCPH).
We work with a host of university and other partners on European Union-funded Erasmus+ projects. We celebrated our 25th birthday in 2022 and look forward to many more years and successful graduates.
Our sister college, Warnborough College (UK), was founded in Oxford in 1973. It is now based in the historic cathedral and university city of Canterbury and celebrated its 50th anniversary in 2023. It offers a range of academic courses which are taught face-to-face onsite, including a university access and degree pathway programme. It also has a successful bespoke English language training programme.
The College offers a range of bespoke programmes, working with corporations and institutions around the world.
The College is accredited by ASIC as a ‘Premier Institution’.
We are always open to working with new partners around the world.
Whether it is to collaborate on an Erasmus+ project or for an academic partnership, we welcome expressions of interest. Our learning centres offer WCI-validated programmes or courses leading up to our qualifications. Contact us to learn more or to discuss options.
The WUA is a discussion forum and cooperative alliance for colleges, universities, educators, faculty and all those interested in Further and Higher Education, to discuss and debate issues pertinent to enhancing the industry. It is also a networking forum for international cooperation, partnerships, validations, student/faculty exchanges, study tours, and the funding for scholarships. If you or your institution would like to be a part of this, please email: registrar@warnborough.edu
All our courses and programmes are offered via distance learning. This means that you will be researching, learning and studying wherever you are without coming to Ireland. The most common method now is to do things online.
Is distance learning for everyone? Potentially, yes. However, it suits some better than others. Check out this page to learn more about distance learning, its benefits and if it is for you.
Due to General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) requirements, we are happy to pass your contact details (with your permission) on to an alumnus/alumna in your area, where possible. It is up to the alumnus/alumna to contact you directly as we are not allowed to give out their contact details without consent.
Warnborough College has an Alumni Association which is useful for networking, fellowship, and support. You can check out profiles of some of our successful alumni on this site.
All students study with their own mentor or tutor. We use the Socratic Method of one-to-one learning and inquiry. This style of learning is used at top educational institutions such as the universities of Oxford and Cambridge. Because of this, our programmes are well-respected and noted for their rigour and academic quality.
Students on our modular/instruction programmes will have access to course materials on our learning platform. All graduate students receive their own Warnborough email and access to a range of services and facilities.
Mentors are experts in their chosen field, and students work with them by email, telephone, online classrooms or face-to-face on an individual basis. Warnborough College students can access resources through our various learning management systems (LMS). There is a peer-buddy system for peer-to-peer support, and of course, all students have full back-up from our friendly administration and faculty.
Yes. We consider each application on its individual merits. There is value attached to previous academic and/or work experience. If your previous experience/studies are directly relevant, we can look at offering exemptions and/or assigning credit to these through a formal assessment. As such, advanced placement may mean that you complete your program in a shorter time-frame or pay less fees.
The first day of any month. We have twelve (12) entry dates (Matriculation) per year. You may apply ONLINE. Read the instructions carefully and have all your supporting documents ready to upload. An application fee must be paid. If you need assistance, just call us: IRELAND: +353 1 814 8670, or use our Contact Form.
You decide. Fees can be paid online by credit card, PayPal, GooglePay, ApplePay, telegraphic transfer, banker’s draft, or cashier’s cheque. We are no longer able to accept personal cheques. Students may suggest their own Payment Plan for our consideration to suit their budget needs. We can even accept Bitcoin.
There are scholarships available to applicants aged 60 and over. Other scholarships are offered to those who merit it. For more information, click to our Financial Aid and Scholarships page. It is important to note that we do not currently provide full scholarships. Any awards would be partial and recipients will need to be able to fund the remainder of the fees.
We do not participate in Title IV, Stafford or other US-government loan schemes.
You will need to complete an official Warnborough College application form and submit it together with certain documents :
See our guidelines on how to apply for more information.
Warnborough College (Ireland) offers a range of programs and courses by distance learning, only. For face-to-face programmes, visit Warnborough College (UK).
Yes. Warnborough College evaluates each application on an individual basis. Age is no barrier (our oldest student to date was 87 upon registration). We welcome applications from all those who are serious about furthering their education. Those aged 60 and over automatically receive a scholarship (terms and conditions apply).
Order through our Online Shop.
See more information on graduation.
Students may graduate in absentia and they may also attend a formal graduation where with regalia. Graduations may be held in Ireland, the UK or overseas, depending on the occassion, nationalities and numbers. Sometimes graduations are hosted by other universities. Academic Regalia may be obtained from Warnborough for a modest fee.
After graduation, you become an alumnus of the College. You should register and join the Warnborough Worldwide Alumni Association. Membership lets you keep up to date with what is happening in the world of Warnborough, and gives you opportunities to attend Warnborough College events and functions around the world. You also receive the monthly newsletter, and can help us develop the institution (and programs) further. Graduation doesn’t have to mean an end to your association with Warnborough and we would like to keep the relationship going.
We will be pleased to put you in touch with a former class or course mate. Due to privacy concerns and legislation, you will need to send an email authorising us to give your contact details to the person in question. If they are interested in contacting you, it will be up to them to make the first move. Warnborough students and Alumni are active on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, Pinterest, Youtube and other social networking sites. Some of our successful alumni are profiled on our alumni site.
As a student or graduate, you will have access to our WORLD database to manage your details.
NO. There is no mention of ‘Distance Learning’ on the qualification. Your programme is about you meeting your learning objectives and achieving the learning outcomes for that programme or level. That is all that we are concerned about.
Read why we are different.
Also, and it has been asked, all photos and videos of people on our website are OUR people - real students, faculty and staff. The photographs or videos are taken during graduations, or during residential study periods, or just during casual visits. We do not buy or use stock photographs of people for use on our website.