Warnborough College Ireland logo (2023)

About Us

Warnborough College Ireland celebrates 27 years in 2024

Our Roots

History of Warnborough

Warnborough College (Ireland) is a independent college offering qualifications by distance learning. It was founded in Ireland in 1997 but its roots go back to Oxford where Warnborough College (UK) was established in 1973.


Today, there are two independent colleges under the Warnborough brand both offering unique learning opportunities to a wide range of students from around the world.

Pioneering Distance Education

Our first distance learning programmes (launched in 1997) were only six months in length. In those days, email was still relatively ‘new’ to the general public and webpages were primitive online copies of hardcopy brochures.


We trialed options with new technologies and insisted students (and supervisors) register an email address to keep in contact throughout the duration of their courses. The quickness of this communication technique proved to be such a success that we soon set up a separate department to deal with this new form of learning.

Bringing Education to Students

We soon realised that trying to replicate existing processes and systems online was futile, and rejigged the whole system with ‘distance-specific’ processes. Not only could we become more flexible, we could also offer many options that would have been impossible or cost-prohibitive to do in a traditional educational facility. It allowed us to fulfil our philosophy of bringing education to students, rather than just bringing students to education.

We welcome adult learners who wish to, in Abraham Maslow’s words, self-actualise. Study with your own mentor and at your own pace to achieve the qualification that will enhance your career and status. Warnborough will enable you to learn in a friendly, supportive and caring manner. Learn across boundaries and widen your horizons, and become part of the Warnborough worldwide family.

We are very proud of what we have built over the years, and even prouder of our graduates. (See what they have to say about us).

We are based at the Capel Building in Dublin 7 on the Luas line (the Luas stops only two blocks away). To learn more, use our free online academic counselling service.

A Multicultural Institution - Warnborough College Ireland

Warnborough prizes its independence and its international, multi-cultural and multi-racial student body and faculty. We believe in forging links between academic disciplines, between the world of learning and the world of work, and between nations, so many of which are represented by its culturally-heterogeneous student body.  These principles and values form the basis for a Warnborough education.

Such an education includes:

  • A commitment to academic freedom
  • A disciplined exploration of ideas
  • Rational discourse, clear thinking, and articulate self-expression
  • A tolerance of, and an appreciation for intellectual and cultural differences in a spirit of global awareness and responsibility
  • Fostering international understanding through mutual co-operation among all students

These are the main goals that we should like to see our students achieving.

Warnborough assures equal opportunity for all qualified persons without regard to race, colour, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, marital status, sexual orientation, or veteran’s status, in the admission to and participation in its programmes and activities.

Warnborough College Ireland understands and shares the principles of quality upskilling and reskilling, and thus subscribes to the European Union’s Charter of the Pact for Skills.

Realigning the Warnborough vision

In line with the overall brand refresh, we have changed our original logo (shown below) to the new colourful one you see in the header. You can read about the rationale behind the design of the new multicolour logo and see that our core principles have been maintained, even enhanced.

Old logo changed to the new one in line with Warnborough’s 50th anniversary.

Warnborough College Ireland logo (2023)
WCI receives 5-star accreditation from IEAC

Accreditation and Recognition

Warnborough College Ireland is accredited by the International Education Accreditation Council (IEAC), receiving a 5-star ranking. This is the highest accolade from the IEAC.


Our counselling and psychology courses are accredited by the ACCPH.

Get a Better Understanding of Who We Are

Some Video Testimonials...

Here are some other videos which may give you a better idea about who we are and the people who make up our ‘family’. Click on the play button on the left.

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