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Master of Arts (MA) in Film, Radio, TV and Other Media Studies


  • Know your Coppola from your Kubrick, Scorsese from Spielberg, and Hitchcock from Polanski?
  • Can you debate the merits of Stanislavski or Strasberg?
  • Want to expound on the artistry of French cinema or the frenzy of Hong Kong martial arts films?
  • Perhaps you prefer to discuss film as political or cultural polemic.
  • How do television and radio exert their power over the masses?

Film (including video) is the most widely-appreciated of the visual arts and the most powerful medium on the planet. Film is interdisciplinary, embracing time, place, religions, politics, economics, and experiences and other realms still unknown to us. However, there would be no films without other disciplines.


Our graduate programmes explore cinema from wholly interdisciplinary perspectives. Our core modules are designed to provide an essential general understanding of film and film theory. Students go on to choose electives from a secondary disciplinary perspective (e.g., literature, history, sociology, political science, philosophy, art history, music, etc.). Students may work within a particular film genre or take a thematic investigative approach to a number of film genres.


Graduate learners will analyse the dialogue between culture and cinema, heighten their understanding of multiculturalism, disciplinary integration and contemporary thought and interpretation as ‘revealed’ in films.


4 terms (16 months) minimum ^



€85 per credit. €10,200 in total.




Undergraduate degree in the same or related discipline

The MA in Film Studies is for students who intend to develop professional careers in film, screenwriting, the humanities, history, journalism, etc. (all of which may include teaching at the college level). Some of these areas will require additional study at the Ph.D level. Students wishing to become film historians should plan on proceeding to the doctoral programme, and structure their Masters programme accordingly.

Entry requires a recognised undergraduate degree. Beyond the general requirements of Warnborough College Ireland, no other general pre-requisites are required. Some students may be exempt from certain modules (courses) in the curriculum, based on prior coursework, and/or a demonstrated knowledge of film studies. Modules taken at any time during the learner’s career may be counted toward the degree, if they fulfill appropriate requirements. Students who already hold a BA or BFA degree in Film Studies may be able to replace some of the foundation modules required with electives.

The Warnborough College Master of Arts in Film Studies comprises 5 core modules, 6 elective modules (8 credits each), and a Master’s Thesis/Project (32 credits). Candidates must complete 120 ECTS credits in order to graduate.

Graduate students work with their mentors to combine modules into a customised programme. Once the core modules are completed—all electives are tailored to the specific theme(s), genre(s) and secondary disciplinary emphasis of the student.

Some examples:

  • Examine the treatment of a particular literary figure, as that author’s work has been adapted to the screen over time.
  • Explore social customs across (or within) particular cultures, as they have been represented on film.
  • Follow a particular director’s or screenwriter’s vision over time relating it to evolving cultural tastes and developments.
  • Explore the business of making movies, by conducting in-depth investigation into the careers of several producers, and then creating a film production budget of his or her (the student’s) own.
  • Please note that this MA in Film Studies does not currently offer instruction in production, direction, or technical filmmaking (such as cinematography and editing). A Master’s degree in Screenwriting or Creative Writing is available separately.

All five (5) core modules are required. Students with a BFA or BA in Film Studies who have taken equivalent or similar modules may replace them with electives. Each module is worth 10 ECTS credits.

  • FS 500 Historiography
  • FS 501 Film Theory and Criticism
  • FS 502 The History of Film: From the Silent Era through Sound
  • FS 503 Film Genres: Analysis of the Major Cinema Genres
  • FS 504 Film Culture: The Collaborative Components of Filmmaking

Choose 5 modules from modules FS505 through to FS537. Special modules may also be designed by the student and mentor, with the College’s approval. Note: All elective modules will be customised to suit the focus of the student’s project/research and secondary disciplinary emphasis.

  • FS 505 The Screenplay: Structure and Analysis
  • FS 506 Film Direction: From Vision to Execution
  • FS 507 Great Performances: Analysis of the Role and Performances of the Film Actor
  • FS 508 The Business of Making Movies: Analysis of Producer’s Role and the Economics of Film
  • FS 509 Film Genre: The Comedy
  • FS 510 Film Genre: The Drama
  • FS 511 Film Genres: Historical Epics (including “biopics”)
  • FS 512 Film Genres: Action and Adventure Films
  • FS 513 Film Genres: Musicals and Dance Films
  • FS 514 Film Genres: Science Fiction and Fantasy
  • FS 515 Film Genres: War (Anti-War)
  • FS 516 Film Genres: Horror
  • FS 517 Film Genres: The Documentary Film
  • FS 518 Film Genres: Crime, Gangster and Mystery Films
  • FS 519 Film Noir: A Sub-Genre of Ambiguities
  • FS 520 Sub-Genres: Culture Pleasers
  • FS 521 Film Adaptations
  • FS 522 The “Unforeign” Foreign Film: Analysis of the Foreign Language Category
  • FS 523 The Independent Film: An Analysis of Independent Features
  • FS 524 The Animated Film
  • FS 525 The Short Subject and the ‘Short-Short’
  • FS 526 The Cutting Room: The Mastery of Film Editing
  • FS 527 Mimesis and the Cinema Artist as Mentor
  • FS 528 The Iconic Film: The Integration of Cinema into Culture
  • FS 529 Special Studies in Streaming Media and the Mini-Movie
  • FS 530 Special Studies in Music and its Role in Cinema
  • FS 531 Special Studies in Cinematography
  • FS 532 Special Studies in Film Editing
  • FS 533 Special Studies in Film Themes
  • FS 534 Special Studies in Film and Culture
  • FS 535 Special Studies in Technical Filmmaking (e.g., Sound, Costume Design, Set Design, etc.)
  • FS 536 Special Studies in Animation
  • FS 537 Special Studies in Experimental and Avant-Garde Film

Click here for a detailed list of modules.

You will then have the opportunity to focus on a topic of your choice in a short dissertation (not exceeding 25,000 words).

The MA in Film Studies uses diverse methodologies, with particular emphasis given to the mimetic approach. The films themselves are the most important resources! Students will become familiar with all of the major film genres, the most innovative film professionals in cinema history, and the most noteworthy film historians and critics. Issues and special topics and problems are an important facet of graduate study.

This program is offered via distance learning (non-residency). This involves a fully open learning experience and is achieved through a combination of distance, on-site and virtual learning experiences. Individual programs can be structured in module formats; can be project/research directed, or can combine these options. At the Masters level, learners are expected to be highly self-motivated and capable of independent work. We expect students to be motivated and have plenty of initiative, as ‘spoonfeeding’ is not encouraged.

All learners are also required to actively participate in and contribute to the Warnborough Learn Moodle and discussions.  The Kent Arts Conference is sponsored by Warnborough College Ireland each year, and students are actively encouraged to participate in this. It is a great opportunity to present research or workshops, and to meet other like-minded contacts.

Dr. Jill Kiefer

Dr. Jill Kiefer is a teaching artist and arts historian. She has an extensive background in film and video production and distribution, having worked in that industry for many years. Jill has developed and implemented comprehensive academic and lifelong learning programs at prestigious institutions in the USA and abroad. She was a member of the graduate faculty of the Humanities Dept. of Mount Saint Mary’s University in Los Angeles, and also taught for Pasadena City College, Glendale College, Westwood College, the Palos Verdes Art Center and the University of New Mexico. She has received a number of “Best Faculty” awards. Jill was a Federal Title V Grant Recipient four times for her work in Hybrid Learning, and she is a member of the Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi—the oldest and most selective academic honor society in the USA, dedicated to the recognition and promotion of academic excellence in all fields of higher education. Jill is the Director of Warnborough’s Master’s and Doctoral programs in Fine Arts, Cultural Art History, Humanities, and Film, Radio, TV and Media Studies. A published writer and artist, Jill has an impressive and extensive resume. You may also contact Jill about the Warnborough programs she leads at jkiefer@warnborough.edu.

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* Fees:
Fees refer to tuition only. It does not include ancillary expenses such as required materials (see above), textbooks, internet connections, postage, telephone calls, insurance and printing. More

^ Duration:
Depending upon exemptions, performance and the workload, it may take more or less time. Accreditation for Prior Learning or Experience (APEL) can reduce time and fees.

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